Top 10 Reasons to Ban Fracking
Although the technique of Fracking was developed 60 years ago, it has been all the rage in the news of late, with more and more companies using the procedure to tap into natural gas, and the subsequent uproar of the public on its many harmful effects to the environment.
Technically, “fracking” is short for hydraulic fracturing, where millions of gallons of chemically treated water are drilled at great force into the shale rock level of the earth, breaking apart the rock and thereby forcing huge amounts of natural gas and oil pockets out into a reserve well.
Several countries have already banned the practice and the United States is gaining signatures to pass legislature to follow suit.

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Although Massachusetts Senator John Kerry was quoted to say “We are the Saudi Arabia of natural gas,” he and the fracking industry are overlooking the many problems that arise from this process:
1. Clearing natural land to construct roads and well sites damages the little natural habitat we have left.
2. Trucks involved in the ground transport and handling of massive amount of toxic chemicals travel to and from the site, causing more air pollution and increasing the chances for spillage and accidents.
3. Half of the remaining fracking mud left underground can’t be economically pumped out and is abandoned in hopes that it will “clean itself” or slowly seep into our water supply.
4. The very act of injecting mass amounts of chemicals into the earth creates a poisonous layer of water that filters up to the ground level, mixing toxic waste with our drinking water.
5. As the massive machinery virtually makes Swiss cheese of the earth’s crust, earthquake activity can increase from the weakened foundation.
6. Contaminating the ground water creates a direct danger to our food supply as farmers water their crops and animals with contaminated water from nearby wells.
7. There is an additional danger of toxic chemicals being spread when flooding occurs in the area or even flowing downriver, miles away from the well.
8. Scientists at UCLA have already discovered how to use solar energy through the windows of skyscrapers, which could probably produce enough to power every big city, thereby greatly reducing the need for natural oil and gas.
9. Since scientists have figured out how we can harvest methane gas from our landfills and sewage sludge, this gives us another process that could be used in lieu of hazardous fracking.
10. And lastly, our air. Although experts say that natural gas emits 50% less carbon than coal or oil, it is polluted with mass amounts of volatile organic compounds and hydrocarbons from the process of extracting the gas at the shale level.
Recently, some industry leaders denied that fracking has caused water pollution; however former president of Shell Oil Company, John Hofmeister admitted, “Everybody knows that some wells go bad.”
Need anymore be said?